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Creating a Titus 2 women’s ministry is both passion and mission for Liz Augsburger and Brenda Moore. These two pastors’ wives saw a need for a deeper, intentional ministry in which “women are servants of ministry rather than just consumers of ministry.” Liz is married to Mike, lead pastor of Soteria Des Moines (Iowa), and Brenda is married to Tim, senior pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Mason City, Iowa. In a dynamic module presented Tuesday afternoon at the 2021 GARBC Conference in Schaumburg, Illinois, they presented a pattern for this ministry and information to start it in local churches.

The pattern encompasses three facets: teaching, opportunities, and results. The teaching aspect is foundational and includes making sure sound doctrine is taught and promoted. This could be in Bible studies, book clubs, moms’ play groups, Bible reading and Bible memory groups, and challenges. The opportunities feature allows Christian women to live out what they are learning. And opportunities to serve should be based mainly on gifting and not be based only on a church’s ministry needs.

The last facet of a Titus 2 women’s ministry is results. It is important to evaluate regularly whether women in the church are becoming more Christlike, living out a Titus 2 life, and making the gospel attractive and desirable to those around them.

Liz and Brenda emphasized that pastors’ wives should not try to go it alone in creating a Titus 2 women’s ministry. They encouraged the ladies in attendance to create a women’s ministry team in their local churches. A team should consist of women from all stages of life, who are regular attenders and already serving in some capacity. A team should also consist of both “delegators and doers.”

A final aspect of creating a Titus 2 women’s ministry in the local church is to have a purpose or vision statement. This gives the ministry team and each woman a focus and reminder of the reason they are doing what they are doing.

Joan Tillotson, wife of Jim Tillotson, president of Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary, was asked why she chose to attend the module. “I’m always interested in the Titus 2 passage and how it plays out in real life,” she said. This module presented many concrete ways to live out Titus 2 and to use it as a foundation for the women’s ministry in a local church.